Source code for qnd.h5f

"""QnD wrapper for h5py HDF5 interface."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

# HDF5 conventions:
# HDF5 Group --> QnD QGroup, except when __class__ item present and
#   __class__ = 'list' is a QnD Qlist, with item names _0, _1, _2, ...
#   We use the qnd.QnDList class to implement the QList backend.
# HDF5 Dataset --> QnD QLeaf, except leading UNLIMITED dimension is QList
# HDF5 Dataset with UNLIMITED leading dimension --> QnD Qlist
#   A dataset of type u1 with __dtype__ attribute 'b1' is boolean.
#   The __dtype__ attribute of a dataset in general, if present, is the
#   name of its Lading typedef.  (For primitive types, this will only
#   be present for boolean.)
# HDF5 Reference Dataset --> QnD Qlist, recognized but never created
# HDF5 Named Datatype --> Lading typedef, except if __class__ attribute:
#   __none__ = 1   --> None
#   __shape__ = [len0, len1, ...] represents 0-length ndarray of given type

import sys
import re
from os.path import expanduser, expandvars

from h5py import File, Group, Dataset, Datatype

from numpy import zeros, dtype as npdtype

from .frontend import QGroup, QnDList

__all__ = ['openh5']

PY2 = sys.version_info < (3,)
_family_pattern = re.compile(r'%\d*d')

[docs]def openh5(filename, mode='r', auto=1, **kwargs): """Open HDF5 file using h5py, but wrapped as a QnD QGroup. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to open. If filename contains %d format directive, open a family of files (the memb_size keyword controls file size). mode : str One of 'r' (default, read-only), 'r+' (read-write, must exist), 'a' (read-write, create if does not exist), 'w' (create, clobber if exists), 'w-' (create, fail if exists). auto : int The intial state of auto-read mode. If the QGroup handle returned by openh5 is `f`, then ``f.varname`` reads an array variable, but not a subgroup when auto=1, the default. With auto=0, the variable reference reads neither (permitting later partial reads in the case of array variables). With auto=2, a variable reference recursively reads subgroups, bringing a whole tree into memory. **kwargs Other keywords passed to h5py.File constructor. Note that the driver='family' keyword is implicit if filename contains %d. Returns ------- f : QGroup A file handle implementing the QnD interface. """ driver = kwargs.pop('driver', None) if driver is None and driver = 'family' if driver is not None: kwargs['driver'] = driver if driver == 'family': # Make default family size 100 MB instead of 2 GB. (??) # Also accept maxsize keyword in addition to memb_size. kwargs.setdefault('memb_size', kwargs.pop('maxsize', 134217728)) filename = expanduser(expandvars(filename)) return QGroup(H5Group(File(filename, mode, **kwargs)), auto=auto)
class H5Group(object): __slots__ = 'h5item', '__weakref__' def __init__(self, h5item): self.h5item = h5item @staticmethod def isgroup(): return 1 @staticmethod def islist(): return 0 isleaf = islist def root(self): h5item = self.h5item if == '/': return self return H5Group(h5item['/']) def close(self): self.root().h5item.close() def flush(self): self.root().h5item.flush() def __len__(self): return len(self.h5item) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.h5item) def lookup(self, name): h5item = self.h5item item = h5item.get(name) if item is None: return None if isinstance(item, Group): return QnDList.fromgroup(H5Group(item)) leaf = H5Leaf(item, h5item) if isinstance(item, Dataset): maxshape = item.maxshape if (maxshape and maxshape[0] is None and not any(n is None for n in maxshape[1:])): return QnDList(leaf) return leaf def declare(self, name, dtype, shape, unlim=None): h5item = self.h5item if dtype == dict: return H5Group(h5item.create_group(name)) if dtype == list: return QnDList(H5Group(h5item.create_group(name)), 1) if dtype is None or (shape and not all(shape)): h5item[name] = npdtype('u1') if dtype is None else dtype item = h5item[name] if dtype is None: item.attrs['__none__'] = True else: item.attrs['__shape__'] = shape elif unlim: item = h5item.create_dataset(name, (1,)+shape, dtype=dtype, maxshape=(None,)+shape) else: item = h5item.create_dataset(name, shape, dtype=dtype) item = H5Leaf(item, h5item) return QnDList(item, 1) if unlim else item def attget(self, vname): item = self.lookup(vname) if vname else self if isinstance(item, QnDList): item = item.parent() return _WrapAttributeManager(item.h5item.attrs) def attset(self, vname, aname, dtype, shape, value): item = self.lookup(vname) if vname else self if isinstance(item, QnDList): item = item.parent() attrs = item.h5item.attrs attrs.create(aname, value, shape, dtype) class _WrapAttributeManager(object): __slots__ = 'attrs', def __init__(self, attrs): self.attrs = attrs # qnd.QAttribute uses only __iter__, get, items, __len__, __contains__ def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.attrs def __len__(self): # This functionality missing entirely in underlying AttributeManager. return len(list(self.attrs)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.attrs) def get(self, key, default=None): return self.attrs.get(key, default) def items(self): return self.attrs.iteritems() if PY2 else self.attrs.items() class H5Leaf(object): __slots__ = 'h5item', 'parent' def __init__(self, h5item, parent): self.h5item = h5item self.parent = parent @staticmethod def isleaf(): return 1 @staticmethod def isgroup(): return 0 islist = isgroup def root(self): return H5Group(self.parent['/']) def query(self): # return dtype, shape, sshape h5item = self.h5item if isinstance(h5item, Datatype): shape = h5item.attrs.get('__shape__') if shape is None: if h5item.attrs.get('__none__'): return None, (), () else: return type, (), () else: shape = h5item.shape return h5item.dtype, shape, shape def read(self, args=()): h5item = self.h5item if isinstance(h5item, Datatype): shape = h5item.attrs.get('__shape__') if shape is None: if h5item.attrs.get('__none__'): return None else: return h5item.dtype value = zeros(shape, h5item.dtype) else: value = h5item[args] return value def write(self, value, args=()): item = self.h5item if isinstance(item, Datatype): return maxshape = item.maxshape if (args and maxshape and maxshape[0] is None and not any(n is None for n in maxshape[1:])): # Create next element of an UNLIMITED array now. try: i = int(args[0]) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass else: shape = item.shape if shape[0] == i: item.resize((i+1,)+shape[1:]) item[args] = value