Source code for qnd.ncf

"""QnD netCDF3 interface."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn

from numpy import (dtype, prod, fromfile, asarray, array, zeros, concatenate,
                   ascontiguousarray, int64)
from numpy.core.defchararray import decode as npdecode, encode as npencode

from .frontend import QGroup
from .generic import opener
from .utils import leading_args

__all__ = ['opennc']

PY2 = sys.version_info < (3,)
if PY2:
    range = xrange  # noqa

    def itemsof(d): return d.iteritems()  # noqa
    basestring = str

    def itemsof(d): return d.items()  # noqa

[docs]def opennc(filename, mode='r', auto=1, **kwargs): """Open netCDF-3 file returning a QnD QGroup. A netCDF-3 file differs from other self-describing binary file formats because no data addresses can be known until every variable to be stored is declared. Therefore, when writing a netCDF-3 file, you must declare every variable before you can begin writing anything. The qnd API is somewhat at odds with this semantics because it encourages you to declare and write each variable in a single step. The native netCDF-3 API forces you to declare everything, then call an `enddef` method to complete all variable declarations and permit you to begin writing data. The qnd.ncf backend uses the first call to the ordinary qnd `flush` method to emulate the netCDF-3 `enddef` mode switch -- thus nothing will be written to the file until the first call to `flush`. To minimize the difference between ncf and other qnd backends, if you do use the usual qnd declare-and-write idiom, the ncf backend will save the variable value in memory until the first `flush` call, which will trigger the actual writing of all such saved values. Note that closing the file flushes it, so that is also a viable way to finish a netCDF-3 file. Furthermore, when you overwrite any record variable in `recording` mode, ncf will implicitly `flush` the file, since no new variables can be declared after that. Note that you use the standard QnD API, a copy of every variable you write to the file until you begin the second record will be kept in memory, which could potentially be a problem. If you wish to declare all variables before writing anything, so that your code is aligned with the netCDF API, do something like this:: f = opennc("myfile??.nc", "w") # wildcards expand to 00, 01, 02, ... # declare non-record variables from in-memory arrays f.nrvar1 = nrvar1.dtype, nrvar1.shape f.nrvar2 = nrvar2.dtype, nrvar2.shape # declare record variables from in-memory arrays f.recording(1) f.rvar1 = rvar1.dtype, rvar1.shape f.rvar2 = rvar2.dtype, rvar2.shape # flushing the file is equivalent to netCDF ENDDEF mode switch f.flush() # now write the current values of all the variables f.nrvar1 = nrvar1 f.nrvar2 = nrvar2 # writing the record variables writes their values for first record f.rvar1 = rvar1 f.rvar2 = rvar2 # change values of record variables and write the second record f.rvar1 = rvar1 f.rvar2 = rvar2 # when you've written all records, close the file f.close() Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to open. See notes below for file family. mode : str One of 'r' (default, read-only), 'r+' (read-write, must exist), 'a' (read-write, create if does not exist), 'w' (create, clobber if exists), 'w-' (create, fail if exists). auto : int The intial state of auto-read mode. If the QGroup handle returned by openh5 is `f`, then ``f.varname`` reads an array variable, but not a subgroup when auto=1, the default. With auto=0, the variable reference reads neither (permitting later partial reads in the case of array variables). With auto=2, a variable reference recursively reads subgroups, bringing a whole tree into memory. **kwargs Other keywords. The maxsize keyword sets the size of files in a family generated in recording==1 mode; a new file will begin when the first item in a new record would begin beyond `maxsize`. The default maxsize is 128 MiB (134 MB). The v64 keyword, if provided and true, causes new files to be created using the 64-bit netCDF format; the default is to create 32-bit files. (But a file family always uses a single format.) The nextaddr_mode keyword can be used to indicate whether the next new record in 'a' or 'r+' mode should go into a new file. The default behavior is that it should, which is the pdbf module default; this is nextaddr_mode true. Use nextaddr_mode=0 to continue filling the final existing file until maxsize. Returns ------- f : QGroup A file handle implementing the QnD interface. Notes ----- The `filename` may be an iterable, one string per file in order. The sequence may extend beyond the files which actually exist for 'r+', 'a', 'w', or 'w-' modes. Alternatively `filename` specifies a family if it contains shell globbing wildcard characters. Existing matching files are sorted first by length, then alphabetically (ensuring that 'file100' comes after 'file99', for example). If there is only a single wildcard group, it also serves to define a sequence of future family names beyond those currently existing for 'r+', 'a', 'w', or 'w-' modes. A '?' pattern is treated the same as a '[0-9]' pattern if all its matches are digits or if the pattern matches no existing files. Similarly, a '*' acts like the minimum number of all-digit matches, or three digits if there are no matches. """ maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', 134217728) v64 = kwargs.pop('v64', False) mode = mode.lower() if mode.startswith('a') or mode.startswith('r+'): nextaddr_mode = kwargs.pop('nextaddr_mode', 2) or 1 else: nextaddr_mode = 1 kwargs['nexaddr_mode'] = nextaddr_mode handle, n = opener(filename, mode, **kwargs) root = NCGroup(handle, maxsize, v64) for i in range(n): try: ncparse(handle, root, i) except IOError: # Something went terribly wrong. If this is first file, we die. name = handle.filename(i) if not i: raise IOError("Fatal errors opening netCDF file {}" "".format(name)) warn("file family stopped by incompatible {}".format(name)) handle.callbacks(root.flusher, root.initializer) # may call initializer return QGroup(root, auto=auto)
# # file_format_specifications.html # All numbers are in XDR (big-endian) format. # # header = magic numrecs dim_list gatt_list var_list # magic = 'C' 'D' 'F' version # version = '\x01' (32-bit offset) | '\x02' (64-bit offset) # numrecs = NON_NEG | STREAMING # dim_list = ABSENT | 0x00 00 00 0A NON_NEG dim* # gatt_list = att_list # var_list = ABSENT | 0x00 00 00 0B NON_NEG attr* # att_list = ABSENT | 0x00 00 00 0C NON_NEG var* # ABSENT = 0x00 00 00 00 0x00 00 00 00 # STREAMING = 0xFF FF FF FF # dim = name NON_NEG (0 length means record dimension) # name = NON_NEG namestring (0 padded to 4 byte boundary, _.@+-) # attr = name nc_type NON_NEG values (0 padded to 4 byte boundary) # nc_type = 1|2|3|4|5|6 (byte|char|short|int|float|double) # var = name NON_NEG dimid* att_list nc_type vsize OFFSET # dimid = 0-origin index into dim_list # vsize = >i4 number of bytes, or 2**32-1 if more than 4GiB # write vsize as if padded, but if only 1 record variable of # nc_type byte, char, or short, do not use padding # - for record variables, byte size of entire record (as if padded) # OFFSET = >i4 for version 1, >i8 for version 2 # # Default fill values: # char \x00, byte \x81, short \x80 01, int \x80 00 00 01 # float \x7C F0 00 00, double \x47 9E 00 00 00 00 00 00 =9.969209968386869e36 # # The netCDF-3 header _almost_ has a simple XDR description; the only # problem is that an attribute attr definition may have a value which is # a counted array of short (2 byte integers), which XDR does not support. # (The 64-bit format requires a hack to represent the offset values, and # its own XDR specification using that hack.) def ncparse(handle, root, ifile): i4be = _netcdf_stypes[3] if ifile: if not root.nrecs: raise IOError("first file in apparent family has no record vars") f = - 1) headsize = root.headsize static0 = f = magic = if magic == static0[:4]: nrecs = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) static1 = - 8) else: static1 = nrecs = None if static1 != static0[8:]: raise IOError("static variables do not match previous file") if nrecs == -1:, 2) nrecs = (f.tell() - headsize) // root.recsize root.nrecs.append(nrecs) return f = magic = fromfile(f, 'S4', 1)[0] version = magic[3:] # in python3, magic[3] is int(1) != b'\x01' if magic[:3] != b'CDF' or version not in b'\x01\x02': raise IOError("bad magic in netCDF-3 header") v64 = version != b'\x01' iobe = dtype('>i8') if v64 else i4be nrecs = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) # -1 indicates STREAMING tag, count = fromfile(f, i4be, 2) if tag != 10 and (count or tag): raise IOError("bad dim_list in netCDF-3 header") dims, recid = [], None while count > 0: count -= 1 name = _get_name(f) size = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) if not size: recid = len(dims) dims.append((name, size)) attrs = [(None, _get_attrs(f))] tag, count = fromfile(f, i4be, 2) if tag != 11 and (count or tag): raise IOError("bad dim_list in netCDF-3 header") variables, recsize, special_case = OrderedDict(), 0, 0 recaddr = lastaddr = None nrecvar = 0 while count > 0: count -= 1 name = _get_name(f) ndim = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) shape = tuple(fromfile(f, i4be, ndim).astype(int)) if ndim else () attrs.append((name, _get_attrs(f))) nctype = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) if nctype < 1 or nctype > 6: raise IOError("bad nc_type (not in 1-6) in netCDF-3 header") stype = _netcdf_stypes[nctype - 1] fromfile(f, i4be, 1) # ignore vsize offset = int(fromfile(f, iobe, 1)[0]) # Note: offset is the byte address of the variable in the file # - byte address of first block of a record variable if offset < 0: raise IOError("bad variable offset in netCDF-3 header") unlim = shape and shape[0] == recid if unlim: shape = shape[1:] try: sshape = tuple(dims[i][0] for i in shape) except IndexError: raise IOError("bad dimension index in netCDF-3 header") shape = tuple(dims[i][1] for i in shape) item = NCLeaf(root, len(variables), offset, stype, shape, sshape) variables[name] = itemx = NCList(root, item) if unlim else item if unlim: itemx.count += nrecs nrecvar += 1 if nrecvar == 1: nbytes = stype.itemsize if nbytes & 3: if shape: nbytes *= prod(shape) if shape else 1 if nbytes & 3: special_case = nbytes recsize += _measure_item(item) if recaddr is None or offset < recaddr: recaddr = offset elif lastaddr is None or offset >= lastaddr: lastaddr = offset + _measure_item(item) if nrecvar == 1 and special_case: # Implement special rule for byte, char, or short single record # variable; such records are not forced to 4 byte boundaries. recsize = special_case headsize = f.tell() if nrecs == -1 and recsize: # Handle special streaming record count by using file size., 2) size = f.tell() nrecs = (size - recaddr) // recsize root.variables = variables root.dims = OrderedDict(dims) root.attrs = OrderedDict(attrs) root.headsize = headsize root.recaddr = recaddr or lastaddr or headsize root.recsize = recsize root.nrecs.append(nrecs) root.v64 = v64 def _get_name(f): nchar = int(fromfile(f, '>i4', 1)[0]) rem = nchar & 3 ntot = nchar + 4 - rem if rem else nchar name = fromfile(f, 'S1', ntot)[:nchar].view('S' + str(nchar)) return _bytes_as_str(name) def _bytes_as_str(text): if hasattr(text, 'ravel'): text = text.ravel()[0] if isinstance(text, bytes): need_unicode = False if PY2: try: text.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: need_unicode = True else: need_unicode = True if need_unicode: try: text = text.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: # ignore, but violates netCDF-3 spec text = text.decode('latin1') return text def _text_as_bytes(text): if hasattr(text, 'ravel'): text = text.ravel()[0] return text if isinstance(text, bytes) else text.encode('utf8') def _get_attrs(f): i4be = _netcdf_stypes[3] tag, count = fromfile(f, i4be, 2) if tag != 12 and (count or tag): raise IOError("bad attr_list in netCDF-3 header") attrs = [] while count > 0: count -= 1 name = _get_name(f) nctype = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) if nctype < 1 or nctype > 6: raise IOError("bad nc_type (not in 1-6) in netCDF-3 header") if nctype == 2: values = _get_name(f) else: nvalues = int(fromfile(f, i4be, 1)[0]) stype = _netcdf_stypes[nctype - 1] values = fromfile(f, stype, nvalues) rem = values.nbytes & 3 if rem: fromfile(f, 'u1', 4 - rem) if values.size == 1: values = values[0] if not stype.isnative: values = values.astype(stype.newbyteorder('=')) attrs.append((name, values)) return OrderedDict(attrs) class NCGroup(object): def __init__(self, handle, maxsize=134217728, v64=False): self.handle = handle # a generic.MultiFile self.variables, self.dims, self.attrs = {}, {}, {} self.headsize = self.recaddr = self.recsize = 0 self.nrecs = [] # list of record counts in files of family self.maxsize = maxsize self.v64 = v64 self.pending = None # holds pre-flush variable values @staticmethod def isgroup(): return 1 @staticmethod def islist(): return 0 isleaf = islist def root(self): return self # no such thing as directories in netCDF3 def close(self): self.handle.close() def flush(self): self.handle.flush() def __len__(self): return len(self.variables) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.variables) def lookup(self, name): return self.variables.get(name) def declare(self, name, dtype, shape, unlim=None): if self.headsize: raise RuntimeError("netCDF file defined, no more declarations") if shape and not all(shape): raise TypeError("netCDF does not support 0-length dimensions") stype = _get_stype(dtype) sshape = tuple('_' + str(s) for s in shape) if shape else () dims, variables = self.dims, self.variables if unlim: dims.setdefault('_0', 0) for s, n in zip(sshape, shape): dims.setdefault(s, n) # Set offset to unlim for now, will be set in initializer. item = NCLeaf(self, len(variables), unlim, stype, shape, sshape) if unlim: item = NCList(self, item) variables[name] = item return item # qnd.QAttribute uses only __iter__, get, items, __len__, __contains__ # In PY2, the dict returned here has an inefficient items() method, # but it is not worth fixing that here. def attget(self, vname): return self.attrs.get(vname if vname else None) def attset(self, vname, aname, dtype, shape, value): if self.headsize: raise RuntimeError("netCDF file defined, no setting attributes") stype = _get_stype(dtype) strtype = _netcdf_stypes[1] if stype == strtype: if shape: raise TypeError("netCDF does not support array of strings" "as an attribute value") value = _bytes_as_str(value) else: value = asarray(value, stype) if shape: if len(shape) > 1: raise TypeError("netCDF does not support " "multi-dimensional attribute values") if value.shape != shape: value = value.reshape(shape) if not stype.isnative: value = value.astype(stype.newbyteorder('=')) if not vname: vname = None attrs = self.attrs.get(vname) if not attrs: self.attrs[vname] = attrs = OrderedDict() attrs[aname] = value def record_delta(self, irec): """Compute delta to add to record variable offset to reach irec.""" handle, nrecs, maxsize = self.handle, self.nrecs, self.maxsize if not self.headsize: if not nrecs: # This is first record variable. nrecs.append(1) if not irec: return 0 # First record is being declared, delta unknown. # Beginning to write second record may force first flush, # freezing the netCDF file structure, an implicit ENDDEF. # Effectively, this flush is writing the first record, even # though this call has irec==1 and declaring the first variable # of the second record. self.flusher( recsize = self.recsize rec0 = array(nrecs).cumsum() # searchsorted needs strictly monotonic array # However, because of the 0.5 offset and the fact that irec is # an integer, this apparently can never cause a problem here # (the monotonicity problem only arises if irec matches two # consecutive equal values of rec0-0.5, which could happen if # some file has no records). ifile = (rec0 - 0.5).searchsorted(irec) if ifile >= rec0.size: if handle.nextaddr: # Handle special case of the first record written after a # family is opened in 'a' or 'r+' mode. maxsize = 0 # This is a new record. We check if maxsize has been exceeded, # and force a new file in the family to be created if so. n = nrecs[-1] if n and (self.recaddr + recsize*n >= maxsize): f = # implicit flush during open nrecs.append(0) self.initializer(f) irec -= rec0[-1] else: ifile -= 1 # add record to last existing file if ifile: irec -= rec0[ifile - 1] handle.nextaddr = int64(0) # special case only triggers once nrecs[-1] += 1 elif ifile: irec -= rec0[ifile - 1] return handle.zero_address(ifile) + recsize * irec def flusher(self, f): # The flush method has to serve as ENDDEF for newly created netCDF # families, see comments for initializer method below. if not self.headsize: # Only get here for first file of newly created family. self.headsize = 1 # impossible since magic number is 4 bytes self.initializer(f) # The only metadata that may need to be written is nrecs. # The file handle f is the last file in the family. if self.nrecs: array(self.nrecs[-1], '>i4').tofile(f) def initializer(self, f): # Called indirectly by handle.callbacks during ncopen in "w" mode. # This is the only case in which this point is reachable with zero # self.headsize, because ncparse would have filled it in in "r" or # "r+" mode, and it would have been written for the first file in # the family if this is not the first file. # For the first file of a newly created netCDF family, we want to # wait for an explicit call to flush() to write the first file header, # which is the QnD implementation of the ENDDEF call in the netCDF API. first_flush = self.headsize == 1 # impossible value set in flusher if first_flush: self.headsize = 0 else: return # The file f positioned at address 0. i4be = _netcdf_stypes[3] v64 = self.v64 array(b'CDF' + (b'\x02' if v64 else b'\x01')).tofile(f) array(0, i4be).tofile(f) handle = self.handle ifile = handle.current_file() if ifile: # Just copy header and non-record variables to new file. f = value = f = f.write(value) return # This is first file of family. dims, variables, attrs = self.dims, self.variables, self.attrs if not dims: zeros(2, i4be).tofile(f) else: array((10, len(dims)), i4be).tofile(f) for name, size in itemsof(dims): _put_name(f, name) array(size, i4be).tofile(f) _put_attrs(f, attrs.get(None)) if not variables: zeros(2, i4be).tofile(f) else: array((11, len(variables)), i4be).tofile(f) headsize = f.tell() # including vars tag and count if first_flush: # The offsets in the variables array are unknown until the # symbol table is written, which makes it hard to write for # the first file in a family. We make a clumsy two passes # to compute the length of the var_list if the offsets have # not yet been set. # add space for name length, ndim, nctype, vsize, and offset headsize += (20 + 4*v64) * len(variables) nrecs = self.nrecs for name, item in itemsof(variables): unlim = isinstance(item, NCList) if unlim: item = item.leaf if not nrecs: nrecs.append(0) ndim = len(item.shape or ()) + unlim # so shape None okay vattrs = attrs.get(name) namelen = _put_name(None, name) headsize += namelen + 4*ndim + _measure_attrs(vattrs) offset = self.headsize = headsize # Now we can fill in all the offsets and find recaddr. recitems = [] for name, item in itemsof(variables): if isinstance(item, NCList): item = item.leaf if item.offset: # This is unlim, see NCGroup.declare. recitems.append(item) continue item.offset = offset offset += _measure_item(item) self.recaddr = offset for item in recitems: item.offset = offset offset += _measure_item(item) self.recsize = offset - self.recaddr recaddr, recsize = self.recaddr, self.recsize dimids = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(dims)} recid = None for i, (_, n) in enumerate(itemsof(dims)): if not n: recid = i break recid = [] if recid is None else [recid] iobe = dtype('>i8') if v64 else i4be rem = recsize & 3 if rem: recsize += 4 - rem # used only for vsize if recsize > 0xffffffff: recsize = 0xffffffff # vsize overflow convention for name, item in itemsof(variables): if isinstance(item, NCList): item = item.leaf stype, offset = item.stype, item.offset nctype = _netcdf_stypes.index(stype) + 1 sshape = item.sshape or () unlim = offset >= recaddr _put_name(f, name) array(len(sshape) + unlim, i4be).tofile(f) sshape = (recid if unlim else []) + [dimids[s] for s in sshape] array(sshape, i4be).tofile(f) _put_attrs(f, attrs.get(name)) vsize = recsize if unlim else _measure_item(item) array([nctype, vsize], i4be).tofile(f) array(offset, iobe).tofile(f) headsize = f.tell() if headsize != self.headsize: raise IOError("netCDF header size mismatch (BUG?)") # Header finished, write any pending variables now. pending = self.pending self.pending = None if pending: byindex = {} for _, item in itemsof(variables): if isinstance(item, NCList): item = item.leaf byindex[item.index] = item for index, value in itemsof(pending): byindex[index].write(value) def _put_name(f, name): name = _text_as_bytes(name) nchar = len(name) rem = nchar & 3 if f is None: rem = (4 - rem) if rem else 0 return nchar + rem # not including 4 byte nchar count if rem: name = name + b'\0'*(4 - rem) array(nchar, _netcdf_stypes[3]).tofile(f) f.write(name) return None def _put_attrs(f, attrs): i4be = _netcdf_stypes[3] if not attrs: zeros(2, i4be).tofile(f) return array((12, len(attrs)), i4be).tofile(f) for name, value in itemsof(attrs): if isinstance(value, basestring): nctype = 2 value = _text_as_bytes(value) n = len(value) rem = n & 3 if rem: value += b'\0' * (4 - rem) value = array(value) else: value = value.asarray(value) dtype = value.dtype size = dtype.itemsize if dtype.kind == 'f': nctype = 5 + (size == 8) elif size == 1: nctype = 1 else: nctype = 3 + (size == 4) stype = _netcdf_stypes[nctype - 1] if dtype != stype: value = value.astype(stype) n = value.size if nctype == 3 and (value.size & 1): value = concatenate((value.ravel(), zeros(1, stype))) _put_name(f, name) array((nctype, n), i4be).tofile(f) value.tofile(f) def _measure_attrs(attrs): size = 8 if attrs: for name, value in itemsof(attrs): size += 24 # name length, nctype, value count size += ((len(_text_as_bytes(name)) + 3) >> 2) << 2 if isinstance(value, basestring): size += len(_text_as_bytes(value)) else: size += value.asarray(value).nbytes size = ((size + 3) >> 2) << 2 return size def _measure_item(item): size = item.shape size = prod(size) if size else 1 nbytes = item.stype.itemsize * size return ((nbytes + 3) >> 2) << 2 def _get_stype(dtype): # bewawre misfeature numpy (1.16.4) dtype('f8') tests == None kind = 'X' if dtype is None or dtype in (dict, list, object) else dtype.kind stype = None if kind in 'bui': size = dtype.itemsize sizes = (1, 2, 4, 8) if size in sizes: stype = _netcdf_stypes[(0, 2, 3, 3)[sizes.index(size)]] elif kind == 'f': size = dtype.itemsize sizes = (2, 4, 8, 12, 16) if size in sizes: stype = _netcdf_stypes[(4, 4, 5, 5, 5)[sizes.index(size)]] elif kind in 'SU': stype = _netcdf_stypes[1] if stype is None: raise TypeError("netCDF-3 does not support this dtype") return stype _netcdf_stypes = [dtype('i1'), dtype('S1'), dtype('>i2'), dtype('>i4'), dtype('>f4'), dtype('>f8')] class NCLeaf(object): __slots__ = 'parent', 'index', 'offset', 'stype', 'shape', 'sshape' def __init__(self, parent, index, offset, stype, shape, sshape, _wrp=None): self.parent = parent if _wrp else weakref.ref(parent) self.index = index self.offset = offset self.stype = stype self.shape = shape self.sshape = sshape @staticmethod def isleaf(): return 1 @staticmethod def isgroup(): return 0 islist = isgroup def shift_by(self, delta): state = [getattr(self, nm) for nm in self.__slots__] state[2] += delta return NCLeaf(*state, _wrp=1) def root(self): return self.parent() def _dtype(self): dtype = self.stype return dtype if dtype.isnative else dtype.newbyteorder('=') def query(self): # return dtype, shape, sshape shape, sshape = self.shape or (), self.sshape return self._dtype(), shape, sshape if sshape else shape def read(self, args=()): parent = self.parent() if not parent.headsize: raise RuntimeError("cannot read from netCDF file in 'w' mode" " before first flush") stype, shape = self.stype, self.shape args, shape, offset = leading_args(args, shape) f = + stype.itemsize * offset) size = prod(shape) if shape else 1 value = fromfile(f, stype, size).reshape(shape)[args] if not stype.isnative: value = value.astype(stype.newbyteorder('=')) if stype == _netcdf_stypes[1]: # Present this as a str or array of str. # Note that final netCDF dimension is really length of string. shape = value.shape if shape: shape, strlen = shape[:-1], shape[-1] value = value.view('S' + str(strlen)).reshape(shape) if PY2: try: npdecode(value, 'ascii') need_unicode = False except UnicodeDecodeError: need_unicode = True else: need_unicode = True if need_unicode: try: value = npdecode(value, 'utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: value = npdecode(value, 'latin1') if not shape: value = value[()] return value def write(self, value, args=()): parent = self.parent() if not parent.headsize: if args: raise IndexError("no partial writes during declaration") pending = parent.pending if pending is None: pending = parent.pending = {} pending[self.index] = value return offset, stype, shape = self.offset, self.stype, self.shape args, shape, off = leading_args(args, shape) if off: offset += stype.itemsize * off value = asarray(value) kind = value.dtype.kind if kind in 'SU': if kind == 'U': value = npencode(value, 'utf8') shape = value.shape value = value.reshape(shape + (1,)).view('S1') f = if args: # Must do read-modify-write for potentially non-contiguous write. addr = f.tell() v = fromfile(f, stype, prod(shape) if shape else 1).reshape(shape) v[args] = value value = v else: value = ascontiguousarray(value, stype) if value.shape != shape: # Avoid the recent (numpy 1.10) broadcast_to function. v = zeros(shape, stype) v[()] = value value = v value.tofile(f) class NCList(object): """NCLeaf wrapper for record variables.""" __slots__ = 'parent', 'leaf', 'count' def __init__(self, parent, leaf): self.parent = weakref.ref(parent) self.leaf = leaf self.count = 0 # record count needed to know when new record created @staticmethod def islist(): return 1 @staticmethod def isgroup(): return 0 isleaf = isgroup def root(self): return self.parent() # len, iter, index, declare are list methods called by QList def __len__(self): return sum(self.parent().nrecs) def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield self.index(i) def index(self, ndx): nrecs = len(self) if ndx < 0: ndx = ndx + nrecs if ndx < 0 or ndx >= nrecs: return None # out of range, let caller raise any exception parent = self.parent() delta = parent.record_delta(ndx) return self.leaf.shift_by(delta) def declare(self, dtype, shape): # Ignore dtype and shape here; conformability with the NCLeaf # dtype and shape will be enforced during NCLeaf.write. parent = self.parent() delta = parent.record_delta(self.count) self.count += 1 # nrecs in NCGroup incremented in record_delta return self.leaf.shift_by(delta)